Building a Resilient Human Firewall: User Training and Managed Services

The importance of ongoing education and training cannot be understated. While robust technical solutions are essential for safeguarding against cyberthreats, an often-overlooked aspect of cybersecurity is ongoing user education and training. It can be difficult to keep up with the constantly changing technologies and cyber threats that come along with them. However, by trusting third-party experts to implement IT education for your employees, you can trust that they are getting the most up to date knowledge. Managed service providers (MSPs) can be that third party and have a crucial role to play in building a resilient human firewall through comprehensive user training programs. 

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Human Error-The Biggest Threat to Your Business' Security

In today's business world, data security is more important than ever before. With the rise of cybercrime, it's essential that businesses take steps to protect themselves. While many businesses invest in robust security systems, they often overlook the most vulnerable part of their network: their employees. According to a study done by Stanford University alongside a top cybersecurity organization, 88% of all data breaches are caused by human error. Human error is a major problem when it comes to IT security and it can have devastating consequences for businesses. Let's take a look at some of the ways human error can jeopardize your business' data security.

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